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Monday, April 25, 2016

The ramp up

I'm calling it.

The countdown is on. Although I'm on a recovery week, I opened up TrainingPeaks hopes of seeing what my training looks like for next week.


Last week, Dina and I met to talk all things nutrition. Because we all know how I typically start eating during long course training.

We talked daily nutrition and training nutrition and fueling for those (in particular) loooonggg weekends. You know. The Trifecta.

She really opened my eyes to things I'd never considered before. She gave me a plan to follow for the weekend; what I eat in the morning; what I have prior to training; how I carry my fuel (since I've jumped off the gel crazy train).

Nowadays, I'm using UCAN.

For the rest of the time, she'll have me practicing every little thing I do. 

Repeat the behavior. Make it second nature, so I don't have to think about it.

Then, there was Liz, giving me feedback on my workouts. Do THIS every single time on every single run. Get your body used to it. 

I know. It seems like I should already know all this. And, I did. The difference is that I never did any of this prep at this level of detail. I never really thought about most of it.

I never looked at nutrition as a whole. I used to eat the same thing for breakfast every day. Now, I change my breakfast depending on what training I have going on. It never occurred to me to take in bike calories before a running race to test how bike fueling will affect my run.

I used to feel pretty freaked out at this point in training.  

Now, I'm more cautiously optimistic.