Thursday, May 21, 2009


The crazy-not-my-fault-decision-that-had-to-be-made.....

On June-something (1st weekend of june), I have my first bike race of the season.


Every year, I do this race. Every year, I love it. Last year, I did the century. I paid for it out my butt. Literally. With tons o'climbing, I'm pretty sure THIS race made me prepared for Coeur D' ok, BAD example.

This year, I haven't been able to ride outside. Every weekend has been rainy or snowy or in some cases, dangerously windy. Yea, I'll run in anything. But riding in bad conditions? Well, that's just plain stupid.

And at best, I'm a weak to moderately-weak cyclist.

And I've had enough stupid in my life.

After giving it some thought, I'm not in good enough shape to do the 65 mile ride. Not with the climbing. If it were flat, hell, I'd say go for it. But being miserable and 30 some odd miles from a finish, and knowing that it would take me hours to me a wimp....but it just doesn't sound appealing.

Of course, I have time to think about it, to change my mind again, to back out, wimp out, and then whine about, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to back down to the shorter race of 35miles.

I'm glad I got that off my chest.

Next up, what I've been doing this week....



had some ice cream last night

Each year is different, but I have noticed a trend in my training. (To think, it only took me 25 or so me a quick learner). Once I hit 14-16 weeks of solid training, I like to take some time off.

This week it was 3 full days.

It was so nice. Three complete days of rest, then I did a 30 min easy run today. I was thinking of swimming also when I thought "what's the rush?" do it tomorrow. So, that's what I'm doing.

My ow swim access opened.

The temp is 51 degrees.

Good thing I opted to keep the winter fat.